FFTs and College Admissions

I have spent the past week meeting with families and students and helping them navigate these uncertain times. A good friend turned me on to Brene Brown’s new podcast and she talks about FFTs (F* First Times) and navigating the COVID-19 crisis. The reality is that everything we are doing right now is a first time, and college admissions is no exception. I’ve been meeting with colleagues and attending zoom calls with college admission officers. The reality is that there is so much uncertainty on both sides. High school students are wondering how this spring will impact their college applications. Most of my junior clients were signed up for the March SAT, and now those students don’t know when or if they can take the SAT. Just yesterday, the UCs made a major announcement about not using SATs as part of the admission process. I think many schools across the country will follow (and some already have).

While these times are uncertain and nerve-wracking, I truly believe the COVID-19 will have a positive impact on college admissions. Here’s what I’ve learned:

Colleges don’t have answers. They aren’t certain at this point that they’ll be open in the fall. How do they engage students and plan for different scenarios.
Colleges are trying to be as flexible and nimble as possible. Just like all of us, they are getting new information and making decisions daily in response to COVID-19.
Traditional college timelines are not going to be as streamlined as in the past in the near term. Expect flexibility (and don’t be afraid to ask for something if you need it). College admissions officers truly care about students-it’s why they do what they do.
As a prospective student, stay in touch with schools. Many schools have historically placed a lot of weight on demonstrated interest. I think this will be either disregarded altogether or given less weight than in the past. Spring is typically the busiest time for colleges; both for hosting accepted students and for welcoming prospective students. Right now, schools are scrambling and trying to figure out the best way to connect with students. I’ve had several clients who’ve had 1:1 zoom calls with admissions officers. Take advantage of this access. If a zoom call is too much, use email or social media. Use the virtual content that is available!

When it comes to FFTs and COVID-19, I’m all about silver linings. This crisis has disrupted college admissions and I am hoping this means the college process goes from a college-centered process to a student-centered process. There is an opportunity here to make some big changes that will positively impact students. If you have questions, email me. As always, I’m grateful to be on this journey with you.

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