Demonstrated Interest
What is demonstrated interest? Demonstrated interest is the way you show a college that you are genuinely interested in attending their school. It might seem simple, but it’s an important tool used in admissions for many schools. Why do schools use this? It’s a way for them to measure the likelihood of a student attending […]
Athletic Recruiting – A few things to consider
This is a super exciting time for high school students who might be considering playing a college sport. The overall timelines vary tremendously by sport, but June 15 is a significant NCAA date. I have been through this process twice as a parent and many other times with students I advise and wanted to share […]
Dual Enrollment vs. Concurrent Enrollment vs APs
I am currently working with my clients on their summer plans and thought I’d provide some clarity around college courses. I generally encourage students to take the AP/IB courses available at their high school. Dual enrollment is great if you want to explore a specific interest or potential major, like psychology, business, interior design, nutrition […]
College Affordability and Cost
There are many factors that go into finding the right school; at the top of the list is always fit-both academic and social, location, class size, student resources…the list goes on. College cost is just as important, but every year I have seniors and their families who are trying to figure out how to pay […]
Class of 2023
College Admissions Results are finally in for the class of 2023. Every year I say things keep getting more unpredictable, so the key is to make sure you have a wide range of schools to apply to and to remain open-minded. It’s always bittersweet for me to publish this as the students I have worked […]
College Athletic Recruiting
I provide support for athletes and parents in navigating the recruiting process with the goal of finding the school. I am a former D1 rower, and have extensive experience guiding rowers and athletes through the recruiting process (both professionally and on the other side as a parent). Updated to add during the 2023 admissions cycle I had […]
Do I take the SAT?
Do I Take the SAT/ACT? With the PSATs behind us, I thought I would put together a quick cheat sheet as you are deciding whether to take the SAT/ACT or not. Here are the 3 things you have to decide: Do I prep for a test? Do I take a test? Do I submit my […]
Class of 2021
Ah May, the month that brings us flowers, Mother’s Day, warmer weather and college signing day. This year has been particularly challenging as many students were not able to visit the colleges they were admitted to, many are managing waitlists and even those who were able to visits never got to go inside buildings on […]
How to Show Demonstrated Interest When You Can’t Visit
This year has been a wild ride in admissions. As colleges focused on yield rate (the number of students who accept their offer of admission), showing interest in a school was more important than ever. Traditionally, students show interest in a school by visiting, meeting with admissions officers at college fairs or at their high school […]