Emory University

Located on just over 600 acres in suburban Atlanta with about 6,700 students, Emory offers a lot of options for undergrads. The campus has a main quad with historic buildings, but the school has invested in physical buildings, the most recent one being a Student center with dining facilities and various multi-use spaces. (Check it out- it’s pretty nice!)
Students choose between two different experiences: Emory college in Atlanta and Oxford College in Oxford. Students at the Emory campus stay there for all four years, while students at Oxford begin at Oxford and move to Emory for Junior and and Senior year. Oxford is a great option for students looking for a smaller college experience.
The most popular majors: business, biology, economics, nursing, neuroscience, political science, and english and creative writing. Emory has invested and expanded their math and science programs in the past decade. (The proximity of the CDC in Atlanta also affords biology and chemistry majors real world opportunities). Emory has a distribution requirement that includes writing, math, foreign language and PE requirements as well as exposure to the humanities and sciences. All freshmen take a seminar with 14 other students and also participate in an advising group with peers, staff and faculty. The majority of classes have fewer than 20 students and students praise both the professors and the learning opportunities at Emory. Research is a big part of students’ experiences. The school is known for its academic rigor but also its friendly, southern charm.
Despite being in Atlanta, Emory draws a lot of students from the Northeast, 20% of undergrads are from Georgia. Volunteering is a big part of undergraduates’ experiences and Emory prides itself on its sense of community. 65% of students live on campus, freshmen and sophomores are required to. Most of the social life takes place on campus, but Atlanta nightlife is definitely a draw for Emory students. About a quarter of students participate in Greek life. Emory participates in Division III athletics and intramural sports are popular. Downtown Atlanta is just 20 minutes from campus and offers a ton of excursions; from baseball and football to music and museums.
As a side bar, the Emory admissions department published this letter to sophomores and juniors in April regarding implications of COVID-19, it’s worth a read.

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